Traditional Farming and Modern Farming

Traditional Farming and Modern Farming

With the growth of the world population, the agriculture system needs to be focused to increasing crop productivity and providing better food to the nation. Traditional Farming is A typical farm practices ancient and indigenous knowledge, which use natural methods to ensure that the crops grow and yield good returns. Additional, the application of minimal level mechanization collaborate with nonapplication of modern technology. Sustainable and Eco-friendlyAnother strategy that had to be implemented to save our planet is this.

Moreover, modern infrastructural facilities, especially in rural areas, better quality products, and advanced technology machines are foreseen by the farmers, which helps to build the standard of the nation, provide the best quality products to the people, and also enhance the international market. 

Here the rapid growth of population results in the degradation of land, is it right to use the methods of traditional farming used by the farmers?

As we know, in earlier times, farmers used old methods and farming machines for the better operation of the farming system and with limited equipment and traditional methods it took a lot time and money to complete the farming but traditional farming are also used in olden days are still in use today are also very popular and have been provided cultural services and ecological to mankind. however, the traditional ways of these practices can significantly protect natural resources, contribute towards food security, conserve biodiversity etc.

Types of traditional methods of traditional agriculture in the rural areas:

Traditional farming in rural areas:

  1. Crop Rotation

Crop rotation is the oldest method of farming practices in growing different kinds of crops on the same land in different seasons is the best usage of crop rotation.

While crop rotation helps in preserving soil productivity, minimize the chemical use, maximize yields, etc. Crop rotation process is done by four field system management. It is the best practice in controlling the problem of soil erosion.

  1. Inter Crops/ Mixed Crops

Intercropping or mixed cropping is done while sowing two crops at the same time. Intercropping is used for producing a greater yielding in a piece of land.

Under intercropping or mixed cropping there are several techniques used by the farmers. Row cropping and temporal cropping is one amongst them. 

  1. Agroforestry

Since early times Agro Forestry is the oldest and earliest methods used by the farmers. 

This helps in creating microclimate and protects the crops through planting and maintaining of trees. It is the perfect management system for land use that is used under the crops. This method is useful for getting multiple products like timber, food, firewood, etc. 

  1. Water Harvesting

Water Harvesting is done in the traditional method for collecting rainwater and preserving them for further agriculture usage.The sustainable production of farm and food security is increased through this method.

  1. Poly Culture

Poly Culture method is used for growing different species of plants in the same area. It is good for controlling weeds, pests, and the ability to control diseases without the usage of chemicals. 

Acceptance Of Modern Farming System By The Farmers

Now, proceed with the next Farming system that is Modern Farming. Modern agriculture farming is the best method nowadays adopted by farmers for the growth of the agriculture system.

Various scientific advances and methods are accepted by the farmers for the benefit of agriculture farming. Modern agriculture farming is the best practice to improve the crop varieties, organic farming, sustainable agriculture, better irrigation systems and many more. modern farming also known as “industrial or conventional farming”. uses a lot of technology and machinery to grow crops. It focuses on growing large amounts of a single crop (monoculture) and often uses genetically modified plants, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides to increase production.

Let us proceed with the trending and modern farming techniques used by the farmers in agriculture. 

  • 1.Monoculture: Monoculture technique is adopted when growing one kind of crop in a given land. The cultivation of land becomes easy. The reason behind is the land is tilted equally and the crops that are to be planted are of equal size. Farmers thus, focus on the Monoculture farming system. 
  • Intensive Tillage:  To improve the soil aeration to increase the farm production, for this excessive tilling of land is done. Intensive Tillage is done for the proper cultivation of farming systems. 
  • Chemical Pest Control: In modern agriculture farming there is a high risk of organisms such as insects that eat plants, diseases that fail in higher growth of plant and animals development in fact weeds also interfere with the growth of the crop. Thus, to protect from various pests synthetic materials or sprays are provided to control the pest outbreaks in farming. Different types of chemical sprays are available in the market to take safety measures. 
  • Irrigation Technologies: During  farming water is an important source for the agriculture system. To supply water to the fields at an appropriate level or row irrigation system helps in a better way. Some of the advanced machines like sprinklers, drip systems and pumps help in the proper irrigation system. 

Difference Between Traditional Farming and Modern Farming

Traditional FarmingModern Farming
Low rate of productionHigher rate of production
Minimum damage to the environmentLess environment-friendly
More farm labour and use of cattleMore farm labour and use of cattle
Use of compost and manureUse chemical-based fertilizers and pesticides
Grow quality productsProduces lower quality products
Traditional Farming and Modern Farming


In the future, modern technologies and methods are easily adopted by the farmers to see agriculture in a better way.The undergoing process of modern methods helps in improving the economy of the country.

While traditional methods are used with the available natural resources like water, human, land, etc. Though it takes a lot of time and labor to accomplish the farming operations. 

But, in the modern farming system planned tactics help in better production and good results.  Thus, in today’s era farmers opt for modern farming systems to get more output. 

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