2 new varieties of jawar ‘BGV-44’ and ‘CSV-29’ are developed by RARS

2 new varieties of jawar ‘BGV-44’ and ‘CSV-29’ are developed by RARS


Agricultural scientists develop new varieties of crops after years of research to help farmers increase production. Similarly, scientists of the Regional Agricultural Research Station in Vijayapura have developed varieties named BGV-44 and CSV-29 to increase the production of jawar. Scientists claim that these varieties will increase the production of jawar.

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Scientists say that the plants of these varieties are tall, so they can produce at least 25% more grains than the regular ones. Also, BGV-44 black cotton is best suited for soil as it retains more moisture.

Also, the quality of the CSV-29 variety is comparable. “Varieties give better production than the old M-35-1. This new variety of jawar can produce near about 22 to 25 quintals of fodder and 8 to 10 quintals of grain.


Animals get more nutrition from fodder because fodder has more moisture. According to scientists, these varieties not only produce more but also resist pests. At present, a center near Hittinahalli village sells these varieties.

According to Siddharamappa Navadagi, a farmer who grows the CSV-29 variety, the plant has more grains than the conventional variety. With this variety, “I hope to get a higher yield,” he said.

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