Agricultural Issues Can Only Be Solved by Natural Farming: Agriculture Secretary

Agricultural Issues Can Only Be Solved by Natural Farming: Agriculture Secretary


According to the Secretary, natural farming methods offer significant solutions to critical agricultural issues, and PK3Y’s validation tests have already demonstrated this.

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At the Dr. Y.S. Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry in Nauni, Himachal Pradesh’s Solan district, a two-day capacity-building workshop for the Prakritik Kheti Khushhal Kisan Yojana (PK3Y) got underway on Monday with some key questions on natural farming being answered by the Secretary (Agriculture), Rakesh Kanwar.

“The usage of natural agriculture practices has already increased across the state with the introduction of PK3Y in 2018 It is now time to move on, and the workers in the fields should investigate the variations that appear on farms when we avoid using chemical fertilizers and pesticides, whether they relate to the soil, production, the environment, or nutrition.” Over 260 employees of the Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA) and other participants in natural farming attended the session where Kanwar presented “Agriculture: An Overview.”


The workshop is being hosted by the State Project Implementing Unit (SPIU) of PK3Y as a collaborative exercise to create an action plan for PK3Y in Himachal Pradesh through open discussion.

The Secretary stated that PK3Y’s validation tests have already demonstrated that natural farming methods offer significant solutions to deal with agricultural challenges.

Kanwar says that PK3Y is now focusing on the certification of organic products, developing a marketing strategy, establishing farmer producer organizations, and expanding in order to support the philosophy of natural farming. 

Kanwar added that during his most recent trip to the state, Prime Minister Narendra Modi lauded Himachal Pradesh for blazing a trail in natural farming for other countries.

He believes that the development of a national mission for natural farming and a center of excellence for natural farming for Himalayan states, both of which may occur soon would benefit the state’s natural farming even more. Natural farming has also become a high priority for the central government.

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