Khaad Quality: Use these fertilizers instead of DAP, there will be good yield, and quality will increase

Khaad Quality: Use these fertilizers instead of DAP, there will be good yield, and quality will increase


Due to the increasing prices of DAP in the international market, its consumption in the country has reduced to a great extent. Due to this shortage, farmers are not getting DAP fertilizers as per their requirement on time, due to which they are facing losses from their crops.

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In order to overcome the problem being faced by the farmers regarding DAP fertilizers, recently the agricultural scientists of Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya Raipur have advised using alternative fertilizers in Kharif and Rabi year 2022-23. 

According to the report, scientists say that farmers can use other fertilizers instead of DAP for good crop yield. This can improve both the yield and quality of the crop.


Use these fertilizers instead of DAP in paddy and maize

You can earn good profits by using these fertilizers instead of DAP in paddy and maize crops:

  • Nitrogen 40, Phosphorus 24, Potash 16 kg. For quantity supply per acre + one sack (50 kg) of urea.
  • Nitrogen 20, Phosphorus 20, Potash 13 + Urea Two bags (100 kg)
  • Nitrogen 12, Phosphorus 32, Potash 16 (NPK two bags), Two bags of Urea 100 kg, Single Super Phosphate (50 kg) Single Super Phosphate three bags (150 kg), Potash 27 kg.. You can use it.
  • Apart from this, use vermicompost at at least one quintal per acre.

For pulse crops

The recommended nutrients for pulse crops are as follows-

  • Nitrogen 8, Phosphorus 20, Potash 8 kg. For supply of quantity per acre, Urea 18 kg, Potash 14 kg, Single Super Phosphate 2.5 sacks 125 kg. 5 kg of gram and urea.
  • Nitrogen 12, Phosphorus 32, Potash 16 kg.. + One sack of urea 50 kg, Single super phosphate 25 kg. Also, use vermicompost at least one quintal per acre.

For oilseed crops

The recommended nutrients in oilseed crops are as follows-

  • Nitrogen 8, Phosphorus 20, Potash 8 kg per acre. Use vermicompost with urea 17 kg + single super phosphate (125 kg) at the rate of at least one quintal per acre.

For sugarcane crop

The recommended nutrients for the sugarcane crop are as follows-

  • Nitrogen 120, Phosphorus 32, Potash 24) kg per acre. + Urea can use five bags 5 bags (of 250 kg. + Single Super Phosphate four bags (200 kg).
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