High Earning with Sandalwood Farming

High Earning with Sandalwood Farming

Introduction to Sandalwood:

The Sanskrit name for sandalwood, Chandana, comes from the sandal tree. Sandalwood is a type of fine-grained, golden wood. It is revered and held in high respect in Vedic literature because of its famed fragrant and skin-benefiting qualities, which make it sacred. Sandalwood is a rare wood with rich, aromatic qualities because of its potent capacity to maintain smell for a protracted period of time. The aromatic heartwood, which is also pulverized to make a paste and is essential to religious rituals and celebrations, is steam-distilled to produce Indian Sandalwood oil.

The majority of sandalwood oil is made from these two species. Indian sandalwood is a tiny evergreen tree that can reach a height of 30 feet. It has fragrant yellow to maroon blooms, oval leaves, and dark red-black fruit.

It is a tropical tree that may be found all throughout the nation, with Karnataka and Tamil Nadu having the highest concentrations. They are also grown in the following states: Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa.

Sandalwood Cultivation:

One of the materials that have been used for generations is sandalwood, which comes from an evergreen tree that can grow to a height of 15 to 17 meters and a circumference of 150 to 200 cm when spread straight. It also serves commercial and therapeutic purposes and has cultural significance. The ban on the growth of sandalwood has, however, been relaxed in a few Indian states. To find out if sandalwood growing is permitted where you live, get in touch with your local forest, agriculture, or fertility department. Sandalwood is utilized from the time of birth until cremation in Indian culture. Because sandalwood is used in soap manufacturing, aromatherapy, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals, its essential oil has a very high market value.

Due to the enormous demand for sandalwood on the global market and the inability of the current global supply to match this demand, sandalwood prices have significantly increased. You’ll make many times more money. You’ll spend money on sandalwood plantations. Both conventional and organic methods can be used to grow it. Comparatively to traditional sandalwood trees, which take 25 to 30 years to grow, organic sandalwood trees require about the same amount of time.


On an acre of land, 400 ropes can be planted. An average plant costs between 40 and 50 rupees. An acre of sandalwood farming plantation is expected to cost around Rs. 20,000. Additionally, fertilizer will cost between Rs 40,000 and Rs 50,000. In general, the optimal time to collect seeds from 15 to 20-year-old plants is between August and March. Before planting in nursery beds, these stored plants should be dried. usually between 30 and 35 cm. height of 7 to 8 months. Around homes, temples, schools, gardens, cow-buffalo stables, and other structures, sandalwood can be planted. Trees that produce sandalwood can also be insured. The sandalwood will be guarded by a designated guard. It is planned to sow sandalwood, lemon, tuvar, and other seeds.

Species of Sandalwood:

Even though there are numerous types of sandalwood, just two of them, White Sandalwood and Red Sandalwood are the most often grown. White sandalwood is highly pricey because of its medicinal and aesthetic properties. It has various therapeutic qualities that are employed in complementary therapies. Read about their main distinctions.

White Sandalwood:

  • Exotic tree
  • In contrast to many other fragrant kinds of wood, these woods are hefty, yellow in color, fine-grained, and retain their fragrance for decades.
  • White sandalwood has a lifespan of up to 100 years.
  • Although it doesn’t do much harm to the host, it can thrive as a parasite in the roots of other trees.
  • Heartwood can range in color from light green to white.
  • After three years, the leaves are thin and fruits start to grow.


  • It’s oil and powder are utilized in health and beauty products because they are astringents and antiseptics that also work to treat skin disorders like eczema and acne.
  • Usage for the treatment of bronchitis, the common cold, and sore throats.
  • Aid with treating cardiovascular illness, liver and gallbladder issues, and other conditions
  • Some meals also employ white sandalwood as a flavoring component.
  • Its oil is utilized for its scent in soaps, perfumes, candles, and medicines.
  • In aromatherapy goods, the isomer sanatol of sandalwood oil is employed.
  • The exterior wood is discarded and used to produce beads and statues.

Red Sandalwood:

  • A tiny deciduous tree
  • Wood is very tough.
  • Needs a lot of sunlight and a warm environment
  • Not tolerant of frost
  • 3-9 cm long leaves
  • Grayish-black bark
  • The wood of this kind of tree lacks fragrance.
  • Heartwood development might take up to 30 years.


  • Used as an additive to alcoholic beverages to add flavor.
  • Beneficial in the treatment of fluid retention and digestive system issues.
  • Can be used to “purify the blood.”
  • Acne, pimples, dullness, and tan can all be removed with the use of red sandalwood.
  • Red sandalwood is used in Ayurveda to cure eye conditions.
  • Can be used as an anthelmintic, antipyretic, and anti-inflammatory agent.

Profitable Business Idea: Grow Sandalwood Farming for Huge Profits

An investor would make a tonne of money through sandalwood cultivation. After 8 years, the sandalwood tree’s heartwood begins to form, and 12 to 15 years after planting, it is ready for harvest.

The farmer can easily harvest 15 to 20 kg of wood per year from the tree once it is large enough. The price per kilogram of this wood on the market ranges from 3,000 to 10,000 rupees.

According to IWST(Institute of Wood Science and Technology) estimates, sandalwood cultivation costs about Rs 30 lakh per hectare over the course of a 15-year crop cycle, while returns range from Rs 1.2 to Rs 1.5 crores.

Subsidy for Sandalwood Cultivation:

There are a number of Indian banks, including NABARD, that offer farmers the option of a loan and a subsidy for growing sandalwood trees. Additionally, Sandalwood Farming Projects are receiving subsidies from the National Medicinal Plants Board.

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