The government will be providing a 75 % subsidy on organic farming.

The government will be providing a 75 % subsidy on organic farming.


Know, what is the government’s scheme and how it will benefit: Organic farming is being promoted by the government to reduce the increasing cost of farming and to increase the income of the farmers. For this, up to 75 percent subsidy is being given to the farmers from the government. This information was given by the State Agriculture Minister Lalchand Kataria in the Rajasthan Legislative Assembly.

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In fact, in the Legislative Assembly of Rajasthan, MLA Harish Chandra Meena had sought information about the efforts being made by the government to promote organic farming in the state. In response to this, the State Agriculture Minister Lal Chand Kataria informed about the schemes being run for organic farming in the state. Let us inform you that this year, provision has also been made in the budget for organic farming by the central and state governments.

Two schemes are being implemented for organic farming: According to the Agriculture Minister of Rajasthan, two schemes are being implemented to encourage farmers for organic production in the state. One of these schemes is a centrally sponsored scheme named Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY).


It is being operated from the year 2015 to 16. There is another state-sponsored scheme named Zero Budget Natural Farming Scheme. It is being operated from the state head from the year 2019 to 20.

How much subsidy will farmers get on organic farming: To promote organic farming in the state, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is being implemented by the state government from the year 2015-16.

Under which farmers are given various biological activities such as – the organic transformation of land, construction of traditional organic input unit, cropping method and organic seed, construction of vermicompost unit, biofertilizer/biopesticide/waste decomposer, phosphate-rich organic manure (PRAM), farmer There is a provision to provide grant or assistance of Rs 12000 per hectare in the first year, Rs 10000 per hectare in the second year and Rs 9000 in the third year on the implementation of training, etc.

75 percent subsidy will be available for construction of organic input unit: Along with this, with the aim of promoting organic farming, Zero Budget Natural Farming Scheme is being operated in the state from the year 2019-20 under the state head, under which information about various activities and techniques of Zero Budget Natural Farming is being made available to the farmers. Orientation workshop, Gram Panchayat level training is organized there is a provision to provide assistance/grant of 75 percent of the total cost of inputs per farmer or maximum Rs.800/- to the trained farmers for construction of organic input units.

Know, What is organic farming: Organic farming is a method of agriculture that is based on the use or minimum use of synthetic fertilizers and synthetic pesticides, and which uses crop rotation, green manure, compost, etc. to preserve fertility of the land. The market for organic products in the world has grown tremendously since 1990. Organic farming is also called natural farming. Chemical fertilizers and fertilizers are not used at all in organic farming, but instead, natural fertilizers like green manure, catechumen manure, etc. are used.

Need for organic/natural farming in India: There has been a loss in agriculture for the last several years. The main reason for this is the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Due to this, the cost of farming is increasing on the one hand, and on the other hand quality production is decreasing, which is directly affecting the health of the people. Today people of the country are eating pesticide-rich fruits, vegetables, and grains, which is affecting their health. Along with getting quality products from natural farming, people can also reduce the cost of farming. At the same time, due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the fertilizer capacity of the land is also being affected. The result of this is that today the cultivable land is decreasing and many fields have become barren.

What are the benefits of organic farming / natural farming: There are many benefits of natural farming. Natural farming can reduce the cost of production as well as get better production.

The benefits of this are as follows:

The fertility of the land is maintained.

The irrigation interval is increased, which saves water.

Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers leads to cost reduction.

The use of organic manure improves the quality of the land.

The water holding capacity of the land increases.

There is a reduction in the cost of production of crops, which will increase the income of the farmer.

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