Haryana is giving up to 50% tractor subsidy; draw your registration fees today.

Haryana is giving up to 50% tractor subsidy; draw your registration fees today.


To help the farmers financially, all the state governments keep helping the farmers at their own level. In this series, the Haryana government has made a plan to give better subsidies on tractors to help the scheduled caste farmers of the state. So let’s know in detail about the subsidy available on tractors in this news.

KhetiGaadi always provides right tractor information

For your information, let us tell you that the Haryana government is helping poor scheduled caste farmers to buy tractors. For this, up to 50 percent subsidy is being given by the government to the scheduled caste farmer brothers. Before getting the benefit of this scheme, you must read the guidelines issued by the Haryana government.

If you are also a farmer of Haryana and come under the Scheduled Caste category, then deposit the draw registration fee for this scheme of the government today itself. The Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Department, Haryana has given this information on its Twitter account.


Scheduled caste farmers of Haryana will get assistance of at least Rs 3 lakh to buy tractors. Visit the official website saralharyana.gov.in issued by the government. But at the same time, while giving a big update for this, the government has said that those farmers who have not yet deposited the draw registration fee to buy subsidies on tractors, will be deprived of this benefit of the government.

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  1. ट्रेक्टर लेना ह जी सब्सीडी पर कहा अप्लाई करें

  2. Parveen

    मैं एक किसान परिवार से हूं बड़ी खूसी हुईं सरकार कि इस योजना सुनकर

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