Discussion on the development of modern agricultural techniques in the field of rural development – Tomar

Discussion on the development of modern agricultural techniques in the field of rural development – Tomar


In view of the potential of agricultural development in both countries, various issues of modern farming techniques, capacity building, knowledge transfer, and support in the field of agriculture, water management, environment, and rural development were discussed. 

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During this, Tomar expressed hope that with the cooperation of Israel, centers of excellence are being run better in India, which can be further established in all the states.

During the interaction, MASHAV’s agricultural cooperation programs and professional training activities for other stakeholders in India were appreciated. 


Union Minister Tomar said that the Government of India has to explore the possibilities of adopting the activities of MASHAV in India with a focus on capacity building and transfer of knowledge, for which Centers of Excellence will be set up in each state.

Tomar said that in the last two days, I have seen Israel’s strength and innovation in agriculture, including with the delegation. 

Appreciating Israel’s efforts to convert desert areas into vegetable baskets, he said that, 

“The Government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, has contributed to the agriculture sector by empowering farmers with technology, mechanization, smart and sustainable practices, and agri-business models. Rapidly bringing change.”

Union Minister Tomar expressed happiness that the model of setting up Centers of Excellence in Horticulture has gained momentum and now 29 Israeli Centers of Excellence (CoEs) in 12 Indian states are fully functional.

The deliberations during the meeting of the Indian delegation with Forer, the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development of Israel, were extremely beneficial for agricultural development in the country.

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