How to Cultivate Watermelon: Know the Advanced Varieties of Watermelon and Method of Cultivation.

How to Cultivate Watermelon: Know the Advanced Varieties of Watermelon and Method of Cultivation.


Know, which are the best varieties of watermelon and their specialty: The harvesting of Rabi crops is going on all over the country. Harvesting will be completed by March and after that, the fields will be empty. In such a situation, farmers can earn a lot of profit by cultivating watermelon. The special thing about watermelon cultivation is that it can be grown in less water, less fertilizer, and less cost. At the same time, due to its demand in the market, its prices are good.

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Farmers can earn up to Rs.3 lakhs by cultivating watermelons in their fields between Rabi and Kharif, provided they sow improved varieties of watermelon and adopt the right method of cultivation. Today we are giving you information about watermelon cultivation through Tractor Junction.

Where is the cultivation of watermelon in the country: Watermelon is mainly cultivated in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Punjab, Haryana, and Rajasthan. It is cultivated by making beds in the empty places of Ganga, Yamuna, and rivers.


When to cultivate watermelon: By the way, watermelon can be cultivated from December to March. But the appropriate time for sowing watermelons is considered to be mid-February. Whereas in hilly areas it is cultivated in the months of March-April.

Climate and Soil for Watermelon Cultivation: A high-temperature climate is considered best for watermelon cultivation. Higher temperature increases fruit growth. The temperature of 22-25 degrees centigrade is good for the germination of seeds. Now talk about the soil for its cultivation, then sandy and sandy loam land is best for it. At the same time, the pH value of the soil should be between 5.5-7.0. Explain that it can be cultivated even in an infertile or barren land.

Watermelon Farming Improved Varieties for Watermelon Cultivation: There are many improved varieties of watermelon which mature in less time and give better yield. The main varieties in these varieties are as follows-

sugar baby: The fruits of this variety are ready for harvesting 95-100 days after sowing the seeds, whose average weight is 4-6 kg. There are very few seeds in its fruit. 200-250 quintal yield per hectare can be obtained from this variety.

Arka Jyoti: This variety has been developed by the Indian Horticultural Research Institute, Bangalore. The weight of the fruit of this variety is 6-8 kg. Its fruit storage capacity is also high. This variety can produce up to 350 quintals per hectare.

hopeful Yamato: This is a variety brought from Japan. The average weight of the fruit of this variety is 7-8 kg. Its skin is green and slightly striped. Its seeds are small. Yield up to 225 quintals per hectare can be obtained from this variety.

W. 19: This variety NRCH. It has been released for cultivation in hot dry areas This variety can tolerate high temperatures. The fruit obtained from this is superior in quality and sweet in taste. This variety matures in 75-80 days. Yield up to 46-50 tonnes per hectare can be obtained from this variety.

Pusa Bedana: The biggest feature of this variety is that its fruits do not contain seeds. The pulp is pink and more juicy and sweet in the fruit, this variety matures in 85-90 days.

Arka Manik: This variety has been developed by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore. It is resistant to anthracnose, powdery mildew, and downy mildew givArka Manik

This variety has been developed by the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore. It is resistant to anthracnose, powdery mildew and downy mildew gives yield up to 60 tonnes per yield up to 60 tonnes per hectare.

Hybrid Varieties/Hybrid Varieties: There are also hybrid varieties of watermelon in which Madhu, Milan, and Mohani are mainly useful varieties.

Field preparation for hybrid watermelon cultivation: The first plowing of the crop should be done with the soil turning plow. After this, plowing should be done by an indigenous plow or cultivator. Make sure that the amount of water in the field is not more or less. After this, make beds in the empty places of the rivers. Now mix the cow dung well in the soil. If the sand content is high, compost should be added to the soil below by removing the top surface.

Method of sowing for watermelon cultivation: In plain areas, it is sown in flat land or on daisies, while in hilly areas it is sown in some raised beds. The beds are made 2.50 m wide, 1.5 cm on both sides of it. At depth 3-4 seeds are sown. The distance between the thalamus depends on the fertility of the land. In the square system, a distance of 4 x 1 meter is maintained between the row and the plant, depending on the variety of watermelon.

Use of manure and fertilizer in watermelon cultivation: Dung manure 20-25 trolley should be mixed well in the sandy land. This manure should be mixed in the beds at the time of land preparation. 80 kg Nitrogen should be given per hectare and the amount of phosphate and potash should be 60-60 kg. should be given at the rate of per hectare. Half dose of Phosphate Potash and Nitrogen should be mixed at the time of land preparation and the remaining quantity of Nitrogen should be given after 25-30 days of sowing. The amount of manure fertilizers depends on the fertility of the soil. If the fertility of the soil is high, then the amount of fertilizer and manure can be reduced.

Irrigation Management in Watermelon Cultivation: In watermelon cultivation, irrigation should be done after 10-15 days of sowing. On the other hand, if you are cultivating it on the banks of rivers, then irrigation is not required. Because there is already moisture in the soil here.

watermelon rind: Harvesting of watermelon fruits starts after 3 or three and a half months from sowing. If the fruits are to be sent away, they should be plucked beforehand. Depending on the size and color of the fruit according to each species, the fruit is now ripe. Generally, by pressing the fruit, you can also see whether it is ripe or raw. A sharp knife can be used to separate the fruit from the stalk.

yield received: The yield of watermelons varies according to the variety. Generally, the average yield of watermelon is 800-1000 quintals per hectare of fruits.

cost of watermelon cultivation:

5000 rupees field preparation, sowing, and manure

1500 rupees five kg seed

4000 Rs. insecticide

30 laborers needed for 6000 harvests

16500 Rs. Total expenditure

Mathematics of profit/income derived from watermelon cultivation: As watermelon seeds are sold in the market for Rs 10000 per quintal. So, 350000 rupees on 35 quintal seed production and remove the cost – 16500 rupees from this, you can still earn a net profit of 3,33500 rupees from it.

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