How Modern Farming Methods Helps Indian Farmers

How Modern Farming Methods Helps Indian Farmers

Indian agriculture is a source of livelihood for more than two-thirds of the Indian population. But the Indian agricultural system before and after independence was not as strong as it is today. Hence the production was not enough to meet the demand for food with the growing Indian population.

After that, the Green Revolution was the major success story of Indian agriculture in which some modern farming methods were used. This was the reason that the nation often suffered from famine and various food shortages before the Green Revolution and today we are in a situation where we are challenged with the problem of surplus.

Today with the development of various agricultural technologies/systems that include organic farming, genetic manipulation of crop plants, use of vertical farming, precision farming (PA), etc., this increases crop production with India and the current issues in agricultural production Faces the demand for world present and future food.

Agriculture is the backbone of our country, which is likely to contribute to the Indian economy. India is a country with varying environmental conditions in a single year and hence India’s agriculture is made up of many crops, with rice and wheat being the primary food staples. Indian farmers also grow cereals, pulses, tubers, sugarcane, oilseeds, and non-food items like cotton, tea, coffee, rubber, and jute.

However, it was observed that the presentations of these crops are challenged by various biological and abiotic stresses, water availability, and growing global populations. Increasing grain yields per unit area is, therefore, an important solution to overcome or resolve the contradiction between consumer demand and world food supply, which is projected to increase by 25% or more by 2030.

Modern Farming

The recent strategy of liberalization and globalization has opened up new avenues for agricultural modernization. It has focused not only on improving agricultural inputs, infrastructure facilities in rural areas, but also generating agricultural surpluses for local and international markets.

For half of the 20th century, the concept of the use of modern agriculture was very successful in meeting the growing demand for food by increasing the world’s population.

The day-to-day changing environmental conditions have increased the pressure on crop plants to develop new diseases and pests that affect crop yield. Along with this, due to the dramatic increase in the world population, the area of land under cultivation decreased day by day; Therefore, it is necessary today to increase crop productivity.

Modern agricultural technologies/systems led to a rapid rise in the production of major crops such as rice and wheat, a fall in the price of food, and a slightly reduced number of people who continued to starve. This increase in food production has been mainly due to scientific advances and the use of new technologies, including the development of new crop varieties including molecular breeding techniques, organic farming systems, genetically modified cropping systems, and construction of large irrigation systems.

Due to several challenges such as climatic variations, biotic, and abiotic stress conditions during peak crop periods, natural disasters have damaged crop yields when we used traditional agricultural systems. New technologies/systems are used by farmers but in some rural areas, the rate of adaptation of new technologies by farmers is slow due to lack of awareness among farmers.

New technologies such as organic farming, genetically modified crops, vertical farming, polytonal farming, greenhouse farming, satellites of precision agriculture (PA), and creating a new scope for using multi-crop farming are important for food today and the future.

Modern Farming Methods 

There are different kinds of farming important for farming practices. As the time passed more technological and advanced methods are adopted by the farmers by introducing advanced technology and techniques:


Monoculture method is adopted for a single crop only in the specific area of the farming system. Some of the examples like growing medicinal plants rise under indoor farming and fall under monoculture. Monoculture farming can be done to grow crops or plants in a single row. 


Aquaponics methods are a combination of closed loop systems in between aquaculture and agriculture for fertilization. It can easily combine conventional aquaculture with hydroponics.


The hydroponics is used under a less-soil type of farming system.  The process of hydroponics consumed with less soil formation. It becomes rich in minerals. The farming is done to provide high minerals and solutions to the farmers for better agriculture methods. It is a proper method and techniques applied for the best farming system. 

Aeroponics System

The plants that are grown without the use of soil but with the help of air or mist environment use an aeroponics system. It works easily with the plant root in the air. The amount of water to be used can be controlled by this method.


Modern agricultural techniques help in reducing the manpower required for agricultural work so that the additional manpower available in the agriculture sector can be used in the industry sector to grow the Indian economy. Modern farming methods like vertical farming increases crop yield in the same area with the proper use of cropping patterns.

Agricultural mechanization in modern farming helps reduce labor costs and save valuable time for farmers. To know more about farm mechanization and Indian tractor industry, stay tuned with

Indian Farming has always been adopting new methods and technology to overcome those problems that take a long process, time and money. So, to eradicate these problems new methods and technologies are adopted by the farmers and these new methods help in increasing productivity, crop production, organic farming, increase resources and growth of the agro economy.

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