Farmers will get a subsidy from the government for cultivating water chestnuts.

Farmers will get a subsidy from the government for cultivating water chestnuts.


Madhya Pradesh government has taken a decision, will get grants as assistance: Efforts are being made by the Central and State Governments to increase the income of the farmers.

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In this sequence, like other crops, the benefit of subsidy will be provided to the farmers for the cultivation of water chestnut by the Madhya Pradesh government.

This decision was taken by the Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Horticulture and Food Processing, Bharat Singh Kushwaha in a meeting held at Mantralaya.


It was told in the meeting that grants would be given as financial assistance to the horticulture farmers doing water chestnut cultivation in the state.

Suggestions will be taken from farmers doing organic farming to promote organic farming.

Horticulture advisory committees to be formed at district level:He said that District Horticulture Advisory Committees would be constituted at the district level to expand the horticulture sector and ensure implementation of farmer-friendly departmental schemes.

Farmers of the concerned district will be members in the committees. Kushwaha said that the program would be decided based on the suggestions of the farmers to promote organic horticulture farming.

To get suggestions from farmers, an organic farmers’ conference will be organized next month. Horticulture farmers doing organic farming from all the districts of the state will be invited to the conference.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute does not have any data on water chestnut: According to information received from media reports, water chestnut is included in the category of aquatic vegetables.

Indian Agricultural Research Institute does not release any data about water chestnut cultivation. The Horticulture Department in Madhya Pradesh also does not have detailed information in this regard.

The Horticulture Department does not have any data regarding the information related to water chestnut crop and its farmers.

According to Narendra Singh Kushwaha, posted as Assistant Director in the Horticulture Department, information about other horticulture crops has been taken, but no information was ever sought regarding Singhada.

As far as farmers are concerned, according to an estimate, there are around 1500 water chestnut farmers in Satna/Rewa district.

Horticulture Department Fruits include Mango, Amla, Guava, Lemon, Jackfruit, Jamun, Papaya, Gooseberry, Munga, Pomegranate, Potato, Brinjal, Tomato, Pea, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Gum Cauliflower, Arbi, Jimikand, Gourd, Pumpkin, Gets information about cucumber, parwal, onion, bitter gourd, chili, capsicum, green leafy vegetables, ladyfinger, radish, luffa, rerua, coriander, turmeric, ginger, red chili, fenugreek, garlic etc.

Similarly, in medicines, Chandrasoor, Ashwagandha, Shatavar, Safed Musli, Kalmegh, Aloe vera and flowers take information about marigold, tuberose, gladiolus, rose, but all these are born in the land but water chestnut is in the water, which the Horticulture Department gives its information. is not included in.

Because the water chestnut is in the pond where it is staying and the pond comes under the fisheries department. Therefore, Singhada is not included in the information of Satna District Horticulture Department.

But now the decision taken by Minister Kushwaha will benefit the water chestnut farmers of the state.

How many hectares is cultivated in the district (Singhara ki kheti): According to Assistant Fisheries Officer Anil Srivastava Ponds, water chestnut is cultivated in the ponds of Amarpatan, Sohawal, Unchehara and Maihar in Satna district.

These ponds are for fish but farmers also plant water chestnuts. The number of ponds in the district is 1738, whose water spread area is 6957.992 hectares.

This is how water chestnut farming is done: Sowing of water chestnut is done from July to the first week of August as soon as the rains begin.

Unlike other crops, the nursery of water chestnut is not available anywhere outside. In such a situation, only the experts of some water chestnut crop of the village prepare it.

Its seeds are sown in the small ponds, puddles and pits of the village only in the month of May and June, after which its plant is prepared in the form of a vine in a month.

Which was taken out and put in ponds and ponds and it spread in the form of vine on the surface of the pond. The seedlings are ready in the first week of July.

After this, DAP and organic fertilizers have to be applied during its preparation.

Pesticides are also used. Harvesting starts in the month of October. After this the water chestnut is plucked. The crop is ready in about three to four months.

How much is the cost of water chestnut cultivation: In one acre pond, saplings worth about Rs 3,000 have to be planted. Farmer Subhash Chandra says that the total cost comes to about 40 thousand rupees in one acre.

In this, the production of water chestnut is up to 40 quintals, which is sold for 60 to 70 thousand rupees.

He said that if the government develops state-of-the-art varieties and gives seeds on subsidy and provides facilities to fill water in ponds, then the standard of living of water chestnut growers can also improve.

Water chestnuts can also be grown in the field: Most people believe that water chestnuts can be cultivated only in the pond, but it is not so at all. It can also be grown in the field.

But the method is a little different. For this, 60-120 cm of water has to be filled in the field from June to January. Sowing is done before the rains and the water chestnut crop grows very fast in the rain.

Benefits of water chestnut cultivation: The special thing about the cultivation of water chestnut is that its crop can be taken up to 12 months of the year.

Because water chestnut flour is used in fasting and fasting, it gets good prices. Dry water chestnut costs up to Rs 120 per kg. Its highest price is available in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

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