Target Of 10% Hike On-Farm loan for FY22

Target Of 10% Hike On-Farm loan for FY22


The budget session is out for 2021-2022. The Finance Minister has announced various budget laws keeping in mind to provide benefit to all the sectors.

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Farm loan

Under the agricultural sector, the 10% hike is given on farm loans by the government introducing the target of 16.5 lac crore in the budget.

Also, the government thinks for the welfare of farmers. To improve their income, the government introduced a plan of Agri infra and development for upto 100 Percent to increase post-harvesting.


For the growth of rural development and infrastructure, the Minister proposed the higher allocation of funds to APMCs for augmenting infrastructure facilities both for the rural sector and the irrigation sector. 

Also, the government is looking forward to the benefit of coastal areas, fishing harbors. For this, the Minister proposed investments in fishing harbors, landing centers and also proposed to encourage seaweed farming.

In the budget Payment to farmers was talked about and told increment made to farmers on wheat, rice, pulses, and cotton has substantially since 2013-14.

The procurement of the payment to farmers on pulses has increased to Rs 10,530 crore in 2020-21 more than 40 times higher than 2013-14.

“Keeping in view the transparency and competitiveness that e-NAM has brought into the agricultural market, 1,000 more Mandis will be integrated with e-NAM,” she said.

She was introduced to develop a multipurpose Seaweed National Park in Tamil Nadu for better seaweed cultivation.

Hence, in the current budget session, the government has proposed various figures for better development and infrastructure of the agricultural sector and for farmers too.

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