Importance of banana in India
Banana is a second most important fruit crop in india after mango. Its round year affordability, availability, varietal range, nutritive and bananas medicinal value makes it favorite fruit among all classes of people. In recent years chemicals, new trend for organic production of banana is increasing in country. Banana occupies 20 % of area in India.
Climate and soil requirement for banana farming:
Banana Crop generally grown in tropical area under humic weather condition. The optimum temperature suitable for better growth is range between 25-30 0 C. The plant requires soil Ph 5.5 to 7.5. Mostly all types of agricultural soil is suitable for banana crop. Required deep well drained, Black loam and sandy loam soils are most suitable.
Land Preparation:
For a preparation of of land by ploughing twice and harrowing thrice. Leveling is done after harrowing. Ridges and furrows are made, and pits are dug and filled with well decomposed compost or FYM.
Grand Naina , Robusta , Dwarf Cavendish ,Poovan (Alpan), Nendram ,Red Banana , Karpurvalli, Rasthali, Vayal Vazhai, Mattiare popular varieties in banana. In maharashtra mostly grown variety under organic cultivation are Dwarf Cavendish, Grand Naina , Sreemanthi and Basarai.
Planting Material:
Banana Crop mostly propagated by Rhizomes and suckers. However, In now days tissue culture plant are being used in large scale.
Planting Time:
The time of planting Banan depends on climatic conditions and Availability of water. In area of heavy and continuous rains banana planting is done after rains eg- September or October and the area where not heavy planting can be done in June -July. In Irrigated areas planting done in February- March in hill Ares in April.
Infilling (Seed Treatment):
Before planting of banana suckers and rhizomes, wash suckers and then dip in a solution of Chlorpyrifos 20EC@ 2.5ml/Litre of water. To protect the crop from rhizome weevil, before planting, dip suckers in Carbofuran 3%CG@33gm/sucker after then dry them in shade for 72 hours. The plant material is treated with 250 gm of ghee solution .0.500gm of honey and 15 kg of cow dung,
Spacing and planting Method Of Banana Crop:
The Most Suggested planting row spacing is 2.0 Meter *2.5 Meter with an average of 2000 plants planted in 1 hectare. Also advised create planting holes before two months of planting. usually they should be 30cm* 30cm*30cm but 45cm*45cm*45cmfor big and 60cm *60cm*60cm for deep and wide. Banana root thrives when they Have a space for spread out.
Planting Method
Triangular Planting
Square Planting
Cowpea. Soyabean, Onion can grow as a intercrop in banana it will gives you additional income and also helps to control weed Growth.
At the time of land preparation applied 15 t of FYM/ Compost. After Plantation 5 Kg of FYM , 2Kg of Bhumilab ,20 g Trichoderma ml of humus / Plant in a first Year of Planting . During Subsequent of two years apply FYM @ 10 kg Bhumilab@ 2.5-3 kg per plant. The Spraying of Gomutra ( Cow urine) and Jivamrut is also Required .
The Banana Plants require irrigation immediately after planting. When the summer temperature crosses 37.50C, need irrigation on every 3rd day. Inadequate irrigation to the banana plant delays flowering, Irregular Brunch size, delays Maturity and poor keeping of fruits. Mostly organic cultivation of banana in Maharashtra Drip System being followed.
Weed Control:
Crop Like banana, where entire crop are depends on soil surface for water and nutrients, weed are directly effect on crop .weed in banana crop compete with main crop and Reduce growth of plant .As pre-emergence apply 4kg/ha of Diuron which is effect on monocot and dicot weed. Among Post-emergence Sprays Diuron and gramaxone at 4kg/ha and 1.5 l/ha are good to control weed in banana.
Interculture Operations:
Banana is vegetatively Propagated Plant which propagates through suckers which form auxiliary buds of the underground rhizome. The suckers produce vary in number, time of sucker production by parent plant is more than the half number of suckers. Generally which suckers arise before the flowering are removed as they compete with mother plant in reduction of brunch size. This Interculture Operations:
Is important in growth of banana. The best method of removing of sucker from parenting plant by using chemical like 2,4 D .A pruning paste consisting mixture of 2,4 D, oil grease and Fuel Oil may applied on desuckering.
Flowers Setting for ratooning-
Removal of all suckers up to flowering plant and maintain only one flower for best desuckering practices.
Removal of male bud –
Inflorescence is part of banana tree consist of male flowers only. This having a different words as male bud, heart or novel. The male flower is more often pruned off in many places. Belief that removal of of unwanted growth of bunch Development.
Propping of banana plant-
Important problem facing during the banana cultivation is the plants mature and immature branches during cyclone and heavy rain condition. Plants are uprooted or broken resulting heavy loss. It’s important to prevent banana fruit injury that the prop itself is clean.
Trimming of Leaves –
It is important to control disease of plant and promote penetration of sightreading is a removal of dead leaves. It is very Important to Remove diseased leaves.
Bunch Covering-
It is a common practice which is followed in India. Bunch Covering improves visual Quality of banana fruit. And protect from sun scorching, beetle and trips attack.
Earthing Up-
Earthing up Interculture Operations Probably done during the rainy season to provide drainage and waterlogging condition of soil.
Plant Protection:
In a Banana Crop measure observed pest and disease is rhizome weevil, Brunchy Top, Leaf spot.
Timing: Farmer recommend banana harvesting when fruit is fully grown. But not yet fully mature
The fruit should be harvested when it is still green but reached full size.
Harvesting Technique:
Banana is always harvested by Hands, With the team of two peoples.
One person cut bunch of bananas and other carried it.
Guideline for the Packaging of Banana:
Protection: Banana is very precarious fruit, so good quality packaging is also important. For the transportation plastic crates or study cardboard boxes Probably used.
Cushioning: Pack bunches of bananas with soft padding. Such as foam or straw, which absorb shocks and protect fruit.
Ventilation: For extend shelf life of banana fruit and ensure airflow create small holes in the packaging.
Temperature Control: Banana fruit store around 58° or 14°C right temperatures to preventing premature Ripening.
Labelling: Mandatory to have a clear label with all essential information eg- Best before date, origin, and variety.
Importance of banana in India
Banana is a second most important fruit crop in india after mango. Its round year affordability, availability, varietal range, nutritive and bananas medicinal value makes it favorite fruit among all classes of people. In recent years chemicals, new trend for organic production of banana is increasing in country. Banana occupies 20 % of area in India.
Climate and soil requirement for banana farming:
Banana Crop generally grown in tropical area under humic weather condition. The optimum temperature suitable for better growth is range between 25-30 0 C. The plant requires soil Ph 5.5 to 7.5. Mostly all types of agricultural soil is suitable for banana crop. Required deep well drained, Black loam and sandy loam soils are most suitable.
Land Preparation:
For a preparation of of land by ploughing twice and harrowing thrice. Leveling is done after harrowing. Ridges and furrows are made, and pits are dug and filled with well decomposed compost or FYM.
Grand Naina , Robusta , Dwarf Cavendish ,Poovan (Alpan), Nendram ,Red Banana , Karpurvalli, Rasthali, Vayal Vazhai, Mattiare popular varieties in banana. In maharashtra mostly grown variety under organic cultivation are Dwarf Cavendish, Grand Naina , Sreemanthi and Basarai.
Planting Material:
Banana Crop mostly propagated by Rhizomes and suckers. However, In now days tissue culture plant are being used in large scale.
Planting Time:
The time of planting Banan depends on climatic conditions and Availability of water. In area of heavy and continuous rains banana planting is done after rains eg- September or October and the area where not heavy planting can be done in June -July. In Irrigated areas planting done in February- March in hill Ares in April.
Infilling (Seed Treatment):
Before planting of banana suckers and rhizomes, wash suckers and then dip in a solution of Chlorpyrifos 20EC@ 2.5ml/Litre of water. To protect the crop from rhizome weevil, before planting, dip suckers in Carbofuran 3%CG@33gm/sucker after then dry them in shade for 72 hours. The plant material is treated with 250 gm of ghee solution .0.500gm of honey and 15 kg of cow dung,
Spacing and planting Method Of Banana Crop:
The Most Suggested planting row spacing is 2.0 Meter *2.5 Meter with an average of 2000 plants planted in 1 hectare. Also advised create planting holes before two months of planting. usually they should be 30cm* 30cm*30cm but 45cm*45cm*45cmfor big and 60cm *60cm*60cm for deep and wide. Banana root thrives when they Have a space for spread out.
Planting Method
Triangular Planting
Square Planting
Cowpea. Soyabean, Onion can grow as a intercrop in banana it will gives you additional income and also helps to control weed Growth.
At the time of land preparation applied 15 t of FYM/ Compost. After Plantation 5 Kg of FYM , 2Kg of Bhumilab ,20 g Trichoderma ml of humus / Plant in a first Year of Planting . During Subsequent of two years apply FYM @ 10 kg Bhumilab@ 2.5-3 kg per plant. The Spraying of Gomutra ( Cow urine) and Jivamrut is also Required .
The Banana Plants require irrigation immediately after planting. When the summer temperature crosses 37.50C, need irrigation on every 3rd day. Inadequate irrigation to the banana plant delays flowering, Irregular Brunch size, delays Maturity and poor keeping of fruits. Mostly organic cultivation of banana in Maharashtra Drip System being followed.
Interculture Operations:
Weed Control:
Crop Like banana, where entire crop are depends on soil surface for water and nutrients, weed are directly effect on crop .weed in banana crop compete with main crop and Reduce growth of plant .As pre-emergence apply 4kg/ha of Diuron which is effect on monocot and dicot weed. Among Post-emergence Sprays Diuron and gramaxone at 4kg/ha and 1.5 l/ha are good to control weed in banana.
Banana is vegetatively Propagated Plant which propagates through suckers which form auxiliary buds of the underground rhizome. The suckers produce vary in number, time of sucker production by parent plant is more than the half number of suckers. Generally which suckers arise before the flowering are removed as they compete with mother plant in reduction of brunch size. This Interculture Operations:
Is important in growth of banana. The best method of removing of sucker from parenting plant by using chemical like 2,4 D .A pruning paste consisting mixture of 2,4 D, oil grease and Fuel Oil may applied on desuckering.
Flowers Setting for ratooning-
Removal of all suckers up to flowering plant and maintain only one flower for best desuckering practices.
Removal of male bud –
Inflorescence is part of banana tree consist of male flowers only. This having a different words as male bud, heart or novel. The male flower is more often pruned off in many places. Belief that removal of of unwanted growth of bunch Development.
Propping of banana plant-
Important problem facing during the banana cultivation is the plants mature and immature branches during cyclone and heavy rain condition. Plants are uprooted or broken resulting heavy loss. It’s important to prevent banana fruit injury that the prop itself is clean.
Trimming of Leaves –
It is important to control disease of plant and promote penetration of sightreading is a removal of dead leaves. It is very Important to Remove diseased leaves.
Bunch Covering-
It is a common practice which is followed in India. Bunch Covering improves visual Quality of banana fruit. And protect from sun scorching, beetle and trips attack.
Earthing Up-
Earthing up Interculture Operations Probably done during the rainy season to provide drainage and waterlogging condition of soil.
Plant Protection:
In a Banana Crop measure observed pest and disease is rhizome weevil, Brunchy Top, Leaf spot.
Timing: Farmer recommend banana harvesting when fruit is fully grown. But not yet fully mature
The fruit should be harvested when it is still green but reached full size.
Harvesting Technique:
Banana is always harvested by Hands, With the team of two peoples.
One person cut bunch of bananas and other carried it.
Guideline for the Packaging of Banana:
Protection: Banana is very precarious fruit, so good quality packaging is also important. For the transportation plastic crates or study cardboard boxes Probably used.
Cushioning: Pack bunches of bananas with soft padding. Such as foam or straw, which absorb shocks and protect fruit.
Ventilation: For extend shelf life of banana fruit and ensure airflow create small holes in the packaging.
Temperature Control: Banana fruit store around 58° or 14°C right temperatures to preventing premature Ripening.
Labelling: Mandatory to have a clear label with all essential information eg- Best before date, origin, and variety.

If you’re planning to start Banana Farming please visit our KhetiGuru shop where can find a variety of seeds and fertilizers for Banana Farming. Thank you for reading the blog until the end.