The Importance of Citrus Fruits and Vegetables
List of Citrus Fruits

The Importance of Citrus Fruits and Vegetables

Importance of Citrus Fruits and Vegetables

  • Rich in Vitamin C: Vitamins acts as an antioxidant that helps to protect cells against free radicals, vitamin c plays an important in immune system and helps to absorption iron in body. Its helps in brightening skin, helps to reduce heart diseases.
  • Good Source of Fiber: Citrus fruits are good source of soluble fibre which is good for better digestion.
  • Reduces Risk of Kidney Stones: Drinking citrus juice or eating citrus fruits helps us to maintain citrate in urine, which reduces risk of kidney stone.
  • Helps in Weight Loss: Citrus fruits are low in calories, that is why are it is good option for those who are on diets which also provide them other essential minerals.
  • Maintain Eye Health: It maintains blood vessels in eye, but it also essential in preventing cataracts.
  • Hydration: Citrus fruits have high water content, which helps in keeping body and skin hydrated and keep body temperature regulated, proper body hydration maintains smooth flow of nutrients transportation and joint functioning.
  • Versatile in Culinary Uses: Citrus fruits are versatile in kitchen and boost flavours to various dishes. They can be used in salads, desserts, and beverages and many more.
  • Orange: Oranges are rich source of fibres, that keeps blood  sugar level in check and reduce cholesterol and reduce heart diseases
  • Lemon: They have high content of vitamin c that prevents from oral diseases like scurvy that causes swollen and bleedings gums.
  • Lime: Limes are high in antioxidants that protects damage from free radicals and from chemicals that harms skin cells.
  • Grapefruit: Fibre rich fruits reduces inflammation and ease blood pressure, helps in constipation, and encourage good bacteria growth which maintains good gut health
  • Mandarin: Mandarin also contains potassium that lowers blood pressure by reducing access sodium from body.
  • Tangerine: Tangerine are great source of vitamin c and other nutrients, that helps in fighting infections and improves overall well-being.
  • Clementine: Clementine are source of flavonoids and minerals  that are vital for body health, which includes anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory and cardioprotective properties.
  • Pomelo: Rich in potassium that lowers the bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol.
  • Ugli fruit: Low glycaemic index(measure to how quickly a food makes your blood sugar rise), helps fighting diabetes as it contains pectin.
  • Kumquat: Powerhouse of  nutrients that supplies vitamin c, B complex, copper, magnesium, and calcium.
  • Gooseberry: Also known as ‘amla’, it has taste sour to bitter it helps to improve immune system and it is also used in cosmetic products like shampoos and hair oils.
  • Tomatoes: Tomatoes are not from citrus family, but they have good amount of citrus acid, tomatoes are rich in vitamin c, vitamin k, potassium, folate.
  • Pumpkins: Pumpkins seeds contains many organic acids, one of them is citric acid, pumpkin helps you have good eyesight, and maintain a healthy weight.
  • Broccoli: Broccoli is full of vitamins, potassium, magnesium, and folic acid, it helps in weight loss due to low calories, it reduces risk for tumour and cancer promoting.


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