द्रवस्वरूपातील ००:००:५४ मधून होणारी फसवणूक टाळा आणि अतिजलद पोटॅश अपटेक, साखर व कलर वाढीसाठी उपाय. Avoid fraud in the liquid form 00:00:54 and solutions for rapid potash uptake, sugar and color enhancement in grape farming. About Khetigaadi Khetigaadi.com – World’s first and only destination for Tractor & Farm Mechanisation equipment. Experience an Easy, convenient and hassle free platform to buy, sell & rent Tractors & agriculture implements on a click. The key objective of Khetigaadi.com is to educate and empower farming community with right technology for better efficiency and financial savings. With expertise and in-depth knowledge in the field of agriculture the platform currently offers all leading tractor brands by all reputed national and global manufacturers. The company also offers wide variety of agricultural equipment and used/pre-owned tractors at competitive pricing.
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