ट्रॅक्टर किंमत मिळवा


Mahindra Arjun NOVO 605 DI-I 4WD

Mahindra Arjun NOVO 605 DI-I 4WD
57 HP 8.8 Lakh - 10 Lakh
Engine rated RPM 2100 RPM
HP Category 57 HP
Displacement CC in 3531 CC
No. of cylinder 4 Cylinder
Air Cleaner / Filter Dry type with clog indicator
Cooling System Forced circulation of coolant
Fuel type Diesel
Hydraulics 2200
Transmission type Mechanical, Synchromesh
No. of gears Forward 15 Forward
No. of gears Reverse 15 Reverse
Speed Forward - kmph 1.69 - 33.23 Kmph
Speed Reverse - kmph 3.18 - 17.72 Kmph
Brakes type Mechanical, Oil immersed multi disc brakes
clutch type Dual diaphragm type
Gear Box Type 15 Forward + 3 Reverse
Power Take Off
Max PTO (HP) 50.3 HP
PTO RPM @ engine, rpm 540 RPM
PTO Type SLIPTO, 540 + R/540 + 540E
Steering type Power steering
Lifting Capacity Max. 2200 Kg
Dimensions & Weight
Total Weight 2130 Kg
Overall Length 3660 mm
Wheel Base 2145 mm
Wheels & Tyres
Tyre Size Front 9.5 x 24
Tyre Size Rear 16.9 x 28

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