ट्रैक्टर की कीमत प्राप्त करें

Specifications of Fieldking Pneumatic Planter FKPMCP-4


Fieldking Pneumatic Planter FKPMCP-4

Specifications of Fieldking Pneumatic Planter FKPMCP-4

Depth for depth control wheel 102mm
Fertilizer Capacity 130x2
Number of Rows 4
Row to row spacing 304mm
Seed Hopper Capacity 27x4
Toolbar width (mm/inch) 2057/81''
Total Width (mm) 2057/81''
Tractor Power 50-60
Usefull widhth (mm/inch) 2057/81''
Weight(kg) 1495
Total Width (cm)
Hopper Capacity
Fertilizer Hopper Capacity (L)

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