ट्रैक्टर की कीमत प्राप्त करें
49 HP
VST Shakti ZETOR 5011
49 HP 8.57 Lakh - 8.77 Lakh

VST Shakti

JCB 3 DX and VST Shakti ZETOR 5011

Engine rated RPM N/A 2100 RPM RPM
HP Category 49 HP HP 49 HP
Displacement CC in 240 Nm CC 2942 CC
No. of cylinder 4 Cylinder 3 Cylinder
Max Torque - Nm 240 Nm Nm 205 Nm
Air Cleaner / Filter NA Dry Type
Cooling System Water cooled dry-type air cleaner
Emission standard NA Bharat (TREM) Stage IIIA emission standards
Fuel type NA diesel
Fuel Pump Type NA mechanical fuel injection pump
Power KW 36 Kw KW 36.5 KW
stroke in (mm) NA mm 110 mm
Bore in (mm) NA mm 105 mm
Fuel Pump Capacity 128 litre Lit 60 litre Lit
Dry Weight kg NA Kg 2210 Kg
Height NA mm 2120 mm
Starter Motor NA 12-volt
Accessories NA Front Weight, Rear Weight ,Tool Box , Hydraulic Pump ,
Shifting Type NA side shift gear lever
Hydraulics NA Automatic Depth and Draft Control
Cylinder Capacity cc NA CC 2942 CC
Transmission type NA Constant Mesh
No. of gears Forward NA Forward 8 Forward
No. of gears Reverse NA Reverse 2 Reverse
Speed Forward - kmph NA Kmph 2.6-34.1 kmph Kmph
Speed Reverse - kmph NA Kmph 3.2-12.7 kmph Kmph
Brakes type NA oil-immersed
clutch type NA Dual Clutch
Gear Box Type NA helical constant mesh gearbox
Front Axle NA straight axle
Rear Axle NA bull gear pinion reduction
Linkage Category NA Category II
Power Take Off
Max PTO (HP) - HP 43.6 HP
PTO RPM @ engine, rpm NA RPM 540 RPM RPM
PTO Type NA standard 540 RPM PTO
PTO Speed NA 540
Steering Column NA dual-acting
Steering type NA NA
Lifting Capacity Max. NA Kg 1800 Kg
3 Point Linkage NA CAT II
Spool Valve NA Double Control Valve
Type NA NA
Pump Type NA double pump
Lower Link NA Category II three
Dimensions & Weight
Ground Clearance 310 MM Nm 460 MM Nm
Total Weight NA Kg 2210 KG Kg
Turning radius With Brake NA Nm 3100 MM Nm
Turning radius Without Brake NA mm 3100 MM mm
Overall Length 6100 MM mm 3570 MM mm
Overall Width NA mm 1930 MM mm
Wheel Base 2170 MM mm 2100 MM mm
Height NA 2120
Wheels & Tyres
Tyre Size Front 9 x 16 - 16 PR 6.50 X 16 / 7.50 X 16
Tyre Size Rear 16.9 x 28 - 12 PR 16.9 X 28 / 14.9 X 28
Type Front Steer axle NA
Type Rear Drive axle rigidly mounted NA
Type NA NA
Wheel Track Front NA 6.5 x 16
Wheel Track Rear NA 16.9 X 28 / 14.9 X 28
Battery Capacity NA AH 12V, 88AH battery AH
Alternator NA 12V, 50A alternator
Battery Type NA 12V, 88AH battery
Horn NA NA
Indicator & Gauge NA NA
Electrical System NA NA
Electrical Overview NA NA
Blow Rating NA NA
Tractor Detail NA NA
Accessories NA NA
Special Application NA NA

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